Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Drinking age bill

Matt Robson's Sale of Liquor (Youth Alcohol Harm Reduction) Bill is scheduled to have its first reading today - and according to the list of MP's voting intentions on, it looks set to go to select committee.

While this bill is well-intentioned, I think it is a mistake. All the original reasons for lowering the drinking age from 20 are still valid, and in addition we will be removing the right to drink from those who have grown used to it. This will not encourage respect for the law, or for lawmakers in general. Problems with youth binge-drinking are better addressed by treating them as a public health problem, improving enforcement, restricting advertising, and trying to shift New Zealand's overall drinking culture in a healthier direction. None of this requires raising the drinking age.

Like DPF, I am hoping that this bill will die in committee.


This Bill should have a referendum attached of 18 to 19 year olds as they will be the only ones affected and have their rights to a beer after work curtailed. It's a stupid piece of legislation and can only be defended if they raise the driving age and the age of consent and the age to be drafted into the army and the age to run or work for a company and the age to pay tax.

Posted by Hans Versluys : 6/08/2005 04:30:00 PM

I don't expect that there'll be any referendum, but there will be something similar: a general election. And if you're 18 or 19 and don't like politicians trying to stop you from drinking, then vote accordingly.

Posted by Idiot/Savant : 6/08/2005 05:28:00 PM

Better yet, appear in front of the select committee and articulately state that it is wrong that 18 year olds can vote but not have a drink in a public.

Then berate Matt Robson. I intend to.

Posted by Anonymous : 6/08/2005 11:20:00 PM

Point of information - you have to pay tax no matter how young you are.

Instead of berating Matt Robinson with the argument from injustice, how about explaining how an effective public health campaign would work?

Posted by stephen : 6/09/2005 10:25:00 AM

Nah, too boring

Posted by Anonymous : 6/09/2005 01:30:00 PM