Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Justice for rendition

In 2003, Osama Mustafa Hassan (AKA Abu Omar), an Egyptian refugee, was snatched off the street in Milan by the CIA, flown to Egypt, and tortured. The kidnapping was a violation of Italian sovereignty and law, and an Italian judge soon issued arrest warrants for 13 (later 22) members of the American snatch-squad. But attention also focused on how this could have happened without at least the tacit cooperation of Italy's intelligence agencies. The Italian government denied any involvement, and Silvio Berlusconi even went so far as to claim that there was no basis for the case. I guess he was lying - because Italian police just arrested one of their top intelligence officers for collaborating in the abduction. And according to this site, they've picked up at least one more, as well as issued arrest warrants for four more Americans.

The next step is likely to be a trial, and then, finally, we might see some justice for rendition.

Update: Make that two more. I wonder how many spies will end up in jail for this?


There's been comment in the Australian media about rendition and about what, if any, view the Australian government has about the increasing body of evidence against this US practice. Of course there is little official comment beyond the cusory, "we're monitoring developments".

Posted by backin15 : 7/06/2006 01:10:00 AM


How about inncocent till proven guilty?

No you have them already convicted and in jail dont you.

Posted by Anonymous : 7/06/2006 11:25:00 AM

Anon: you might notice that mention above of a trial; their guilt or innocence will be up to the jury (or magistrate, or however the Italians do it).

But I do think that the mere fact that criminal charges have been brought and that people who thought themselves above the law have been reminded that they are not is a victory in itself.

Posted by Idiot/Savant : 7/06/2006 11:43:00 AM