Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The flying panopticon

The EU has unveiled its solution to the threat of terrorists on aircraft: turning every aircraft into a flying panopticon. Every passenger will be individually monitored for signs of stress by a camera in the seat in front of them; other cameras will monitor the aisles and toilet waiting areas. Passengers deemed by a computer to show signs of terrorism - sweating due to poor cabin temperature control, squirming in an effort to get comfortable in a too-small seat, rubbing your forehead in response to noise-induced headaches, or "lingering" near the toilet with everyone else who was dumb enough to eat what the airlines call "food" - will be marked as terrorists and presumably tasered, handcuffed, and sedated by onboard security staff because they don't want to be the people who did nothing.

In short, its a recipe for false positives and for making the already miserable process of flying even worse. But electronics manufacturers will be able to sell a lot of cameras, politicians will get to feel like they're Doing Something, and intelligence agencies will get to put yet another aspect of our lives under total surveillance and collect more data with which to blackmail politicians into raising their budgets - all for our own good, of course.